Graphic Organizer

This strategy was used for Group B with prefixes and roots. In the chart students included the following; the vocabulary word, what the word meant, and an example of the word. When this strategy was introduced on Monday, students were given the words and asked to predict the meaning. The next day we looked backed at the chart and corrected the definition as well as added examples.

Our thoughts: With this strategy we learned that it would be easier for students to make a prediction of what the word means if they have an example of how to use the word or what the word means. Our students had a difficult time predicting the definition just based on seeing only the word. We also feel that even though this strategy is effective for learning vocabulary since it is straightforward and organized, it does lack creativity and the flashiness that holds students' attention. The students liked the graphic organizer but got tired of using the same organizer for two weeks.

Student thoughts....
“It made it easier to study and helped us organize the information.” 

"I like learning visually and charts like this I like to draw out."

"Charts keeps the prefixes organized so I can review them as I please and it is easy to understand more in a chart." 

"I think the chart was helpful because it kept the information about roots organized so I could study better."